Benefits of Sonotherapy
Sound Healing with Fractal Gong
Gongs in today's culture are symbols of world peace, cooperation, love and unity.
His heavenly music invites us to unite and move forward together for a better future for humanity. Today we rediscover with enthusiasm and respect the primordial Gong that returned from the past to open new doors in our perception and consciousness.
To reveal new horizons to us in what we call holistic resonance.
Alejandro Notz
Swiss - Venezuelan Sound healer, with extensive experience, both in Europe and Latin America.
Expert in gong, overtone singing, tibetan bowls and native flutes. Founder of Fractal Gong since 2016.
Formed with the Gong Master Training together with Masters Don Conreaux, Gongmuse Surana and Angelo Surinder, Mehtab Benton.
Based in Switzerland, he has worked all over Europe in prestigious theaters, festivals, spiritual retreats. It also facilitates gong workshops and overtone singing.
Próximos eventos
- Sun, May 15May 15, 2022, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PMOpen Yoga, Münzgraben 4, 3011 Bern, Suiza
- Sat, Apr 23Apr 23, 2022, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PMEspace Reunis, Morges, Suiza
- Sun, Apr 10Apr 10, 2022, 5:00 PM – 7:30 PMPrana Santé, Rue du Village 16b, 1274 Grens, Suiza
- Sat, Apr 02Apr 02, 2022, 8:30 PM – Apr 03, 2022, 8:30 AMKak'Alom Studio, Rue de Zurich 34, 1201 Genève, SuizaApr 02, 2022, 8:30 PM – Apr 03, 2022, 8:30 AMKak'Alom Studio, Rue de Zurich 34, 1201 Genève, SuizaLa Puja de Gong est une cérémonie sacrée de guérison, ou les 8 gongs sélectionnés maintiennent leur vibration et leur son en continu pendant 7h30 jusqu’au lever du soleil. Cette cérémonie à été crée par le maitre Don Conreaux et est dédiée à la paix mondiale.
- Tue, Mar 22Mar 22, 2022, 7:30 PM – 10:30 PMPrana Santé, Rue du Village 16b, 1274 Grens, SuizaMar 22, 2022, 7:30 PM – 10:30 PMPrana Santé, Rue du Village 16b, 1274 Grens, SuizaDepuis toujours, on célèbre ce moment de l’année ou l’équilibre entre lumière et ombre, jour et nuit est parfait. Les forces masculines Yang et féminines Yin sont aussi d’égale puissance. L’oeuf est associé à cette fête car il est le symbole de la naissance et de la vie.
- Sat, Jan 29Jan 29, 2022, 10:30 AM – 4:00 PMGrens, Rue du Village 16B, 1274 Grens, SuizaJan 29, 2022, 10:30 AM – 4:00 PMGrens, Rue du Village 16B, 1274 Grens, SuizaLes bols chantants tibétains sont utilisés dans les systèmes de médecine et de philosophie orientaux à des fins thérapeutiques depuis des milliers d'années, pour rétablir la santé, atteindre le bien-être, la relaxation et jouir d'une véritable clarté mentale.
Alcázar Theater 2016 (Madrid)
"Gong Theater of the Soul"
Moments of our performance with Don Conreaux, Diego Montenegro, Francisco Lumbreras, Alejandro Notz and more than 20 Gong Masters from different countries
Europe 2018
"Fractal Gong Adventures"
Summary with the best moments of Fractal Gong in Gong Caravan of Peace, Boom Festival, Guiness Gong World Record ...
Espacio Ronda 2017 (Madrid)
"The Magic of Sound"
The crystalline and sweet voice of Mariannáh, the sound and vibration of the Cosmic Gongs of Alex will guide you on a deep and healing inner journey ...
Morti M
"Incredible experiences of healing, connection, purification and whatever your being needs, facilitated by a team with a very special, soft and intense energy conducted with a lot of love. Thanks!"
Sara T
“I came out in awe of the sound. I was shaken of emotions when leaving. Then when I got home I calmed down but the vibration of the Gong remained very strong with me until I fell asleep very soundly. "
Pink D
"The concert was wonderful, thank you Alex for sharing your ENERGY and hugging us with the wonderful sound of your Gongs"
“A very special experience. In well-kept environments.
They manage to lead you to connect with and surprise you, the care and professionalism with which they do it. AleX is a very special person, they put passion and love into his project.
To miss an experience like this is to miss something wonderful "
Antonio from B
“Thanks for the trip the other day at the Udumbara. I traveled, cried and laughed. I felt connected to that invisible and infinite whole. One of the most powerful moments of the festival for me, without a doubt. Until the next trip! "
Ana S
"Impressive how this music can change your mood in a few minutes with its vibration"